Day two of painting

Today I slowed myself down. There's a pace that'll happen here, I just don't know it yet. My routine has been uprooted and I'll find a new one soon. But it's confusing and all I know to do is paint. It still moves me. It still carries the same weight.

Because I'm in this mindset and because paint supplies are all over, it'd be easy to just step in and out of the process throughout the day. I have to remember this. Much of the battle is the setup and ease of jumping in. I'm learning this about myself.

But I'll sleep early tonight. Tomorrow I'll work on a piece. I'll choose one that I'd rather not work on. Which is a bit strange. These paintings already have baggage. Maybe that's just me wrapping my head around the next steps. Or maybe I'm just picky. As I analyze these, there are those that I'm excited about and now those I'm keeping at bay. Going in, I've been gung ho about every one, so I'm curious paying attention to my unconscious process. Now to figure out how to be honest with myself regarding each one.

Whatever the case, I'm in. Here's the one I worked on today:

A month of painting

If you're here, thank you. I'm about to load up my rarely-used blog with photos from this month... February of 2016. 

My goal is 5-7 cohesive pieces. I've no clue if this attainable within a month, but I'm all in. Why not push myself and see what comes of it? At least I'll have painted daily and learned how to manipulate these oils.

Or I'll just get pissed and figure out a way to ruin every decent thing I'll have started. But that's fine too... 

Here's where I am after day 1... 

Session work

Added to this yesterday...  Not the best photos, but you get the idea. We'll add depth to the shapes on the right next time. Also, the space behind the Tui will have more flowers that flow into the shapes.

Added to this yesterday...  Not the best photos, but you get the idea. We'll add depth to the shapes on the right next time. Also, the space behind the Tui will have more flowers that flow into the shapes.


I started Allen Tattoo as a personal project.

Eight years ago I left my graphic design career and jumped into the world of tattooing.

I had always wanted to illustrate. So why not build a new career based on something I love? To draw; to build on foundations and learn.  With the support of family and friends, I started my apprenticeship at Bluebird Tattoo (Indiana). 

Allen Tattoo was used to journal and chart my learning process. 

Years later, my career has grown. A burgeoning clientele pulled time away from recording the process, so this site has sat idle... but now I'm excited to use this space. I'll be posting randomly:

  • Session work comparisons
  • Process shots
  • Tattoo details
  • Inspiring reference
  • Whatever the hell I want


Hopefully, you'll enjoy. Now I just have to remember to stay at this...